Saturday, 12 October 2019

Makers' Market or Craft Fair/Fayre?

Knitters at Brixton Makers' Market

Mention a ‘craft fair’ and what comes to mind?

Stalls, of course. A delightful place to visit. Tea and cake. Scarves and earrings, all the stuff you find in a National Trust gift shop.  Essentially a day out, to browse a few stalls, buy something nice for a friend’s birthday and take a chance on the weather. 

The heritage setting is key: look how the Channel 5 show, The Wonderful  World of Crafting chooses a charming place for each programme:

From a business point of view, craft fairs are a great way to make money. The fee for the stall can be used to fund other projects and support worthy causes, and as long as the organisers attract enough punters, the stall holders should be happy.  The more stall holders, the greater the profit; the more stallholders, the greater the attraction, the more people come, the greater the takings.   Everybody happy.

The Makers’ Market I have in mind is somewhat different. Linguistically, with a bit of alliteration, it puts the makers at the centre of the event  This is to encourage conversation with the seller about their craft, the origins of the materials they use, and their passion for making.  A maker is always happy when they sell on the day, but they are particularly delighted when they engage with a customer and take on a commission. Co-production of this nature is less wasteful of energy, time and materials; no-one wants a pile of unsold items...  And how great to own a piece of work, made to your requirements from someone you know!

So for our Makers’ Market, yes, there will be tea and cakes (and mulled wine too).  The setting is Hornsey Vale Community Centre, whose architecture is more 70s than heritage, but which is convenient for Crouch End and the W3 and W5 bus routes.  There will be a range of interesting items for sale, lovely gifts for Christmas and beyond.  The majority of our stallholders will have made the items they sell.  They will have sourced their materials, decided on a design, and spent hours, working on their creation. 

Come and talk to them!
The Makers Market is not for profit event at Hornsey Vale Community Centre, on Sunday 8 December, 3-6 pm.  If you would like to sell at this event, please email me at: and I will send you further details.