Monday, 28 February 2011

A Good Egg Recipe

Thank you Church Farm, Ardeley (see the 'More than a Box' Scheme blog) for the free box of eggs given out this week.  Our neighbour loved the freebie but that still leaves us with twelve eggs to consume!

So here's a simple recipe I recommend to transform eggs into a delicious, fruity curd, courtesy Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall in the Guardian.  The one below uses seasonal Seville oranges but these could easily be substituted by an equivalent amount of lemon juice, from say, four large lemons. 

The big problem with curd is... the curdling of the eggs (the clue is in the name).  I followed instructions and whisked the curd mixture in a pot of simmering water with no mishaps.  But you are allowed to cheat by adding two teaspoons of corn flour to the butter and sugar mixture, before you whisk in the eggs. 

Although the sugar thermometer was useful, I found noting the viscosity of the curd was just as good a guide; as ever the coating of the wooden spoon never seems to happen for me.  And finally, some recipes sieve the whole mixture into the jars but I go along with Hugh's reciple and rather like retaining the little bits of zest.  (You can probably spot them in the photo below.)

As the recipe says, the curd will keep in the fridge for three to four weeks, although I have read elsewhere, you can extend that to six weeks. That's still quite a lot to eat! I found the recipe made enough for two large (454g) jars, but you could easily make one large and two small to give away to your friendly neighbours.

Seville orange curd

An easy, tangy curd that's as delicious spread on toast as it is spread thickly in the middle of a Victoria sandwich. Makes about three 240ml jars.
200ml Seville orange juice (ie from about 3 oranges), strained
Finely grated zest of 1 unwaxed navel orange
125g unsalted butter
400g granulated sugar
2 whole eggs plus 2 yolks, well beaten
Put the juice, zest, butter and sugar in a double boiler or a heatproof bowl over a pan of just-simmering water. As soon as the butter has melted, and the mixture is hot and glossy, pour in the beaten eggs through a sieve and whisk with a balloon whisk. Stir the mixture over a gentle heat until it's thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, about 12-15 minutes – a sugar thermometer should read 82-84C . Pour immediately into warm, sterilised jars and seal. Use within three or four weeks, and keep in the fridge once opened..

Church Farm, Ardeley's 'More than a Box' Scheme

This blog first appeared in November 2010 when planning permission for the first megadairy in the UK had been granted. After rigorous and tireless campaigning by Compassion in World Farming and @notinmycuppa the development was postponed in January, an excellent result. 
The blog also gives some background to the Church Farm, Ardeley's 'More than a Box Scheme', which has been running since last July.
There’s a farm called Misery, but of that we’ll have none
Because we know of one
That’s always lots of fun (Ha ha!)
And this one’s name is Jollity; believe me, folks, it’s great
For everything sings out to us as we go through the gate

All the little pigs, they grunt and howl etc, etc


Yes indeed, Church Farm is a jolly farm.  If you visit, you will meet the farm you once knew from childhood stories and games.  Animals graze on fields planted with a well tried mix of grasses and flowers, creating a rich mosaic of colour and textures.  Glancing through a hedge to the field next door, the contrast is striking: all there is to see is the uniform expanse of an industrial monoculture.

The farm covers 175 acres which includes 30 acres of woods, 10 acres of orchard, and 2 acres of nesting grounds.  There are around 150 sheep, cows and pigs, and the farm, which is also a family business, prides itself on its long tradition of rearing rare breeds.  The number of poulty is in the thousands, but here again the hens and turkeys are allowed to range freely in designated places including the newly planted orchard. One of the delights of the farm is the piglets, who can be seen playing and scrapping with each other in the feeding area. As the visitors leave, the hope is that they will have been reminded of the very real connection between land and food.

Click on this to see some piglets disporting themselves.

In the meantime, there is a farm called Misery.  It hasn't been built yet but the planning permission for Nocton 'Mega Dairy' in Lincolnshire was passed yesterday, with the concession that they will have 3,770 cows instead of the 8,100 of the original proposal. These cows will rarely see a blade of grass. The intensive system leaves them open to many health problems, including lameness, mastitis and bacterial infections.They will be expected to produce 10,000 or more litres of milk each per year.  In energy terms, that is the same as a human being running a half marathon every day for ten months of the year.

Compassion in World Farming are running a campaign to raise awareness of this first attempt at industrial farming and you can contact them on the address below.  But you can also choose to source your food from a place whose aim is to 'treat the land, wildlife and animals, as they should be treated, and grow great food'. 

You can find out more about the Church Farm and Crouch End box scheme by popping into the Haberdashery, Middle Lane on Thursday between 5.30 and 7pm.

For more information on the Church Farm Box Scheme:

For more information on the Nocton Dairies:
The lyrics are from the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.

Friday, 25 February 2011

What is Waste?

This blog first appeared on the Transition Crouch End Blogspot in November 2010 before a Skills Share event at Tottenham Chances, London
Waste - the New Weed

We're going to be knitting plastic bags on Sunday!

Some frightening facts about Plastic
  • Worldwide, plastic bag consumption = 1 million bags per minute
  • Approximately 7 billion pounds of plastic trash floats about 500 nautical miles of the Californian coast, creating its own little island of filth.
  • An estimated 12 million barrels of oil are required to feed America's hundred-billion- plastic-bags-a-year fix.
  • Plastic bags are not biodegradable.  It takes a thousand years for one plastic bag to break down.
  • Every year, hundreds of thousands of sea animals die from ingesting plastic bags mistaken for food.
Source: AwareKnits (Howel and Armstrong, 2009)

So plastic bags are bad. 

But work done by the NGO Kare4Kenya in Kawangware, one of the many slum areas of Nairobi, tells a different story. The aim was to clean up the area and use the plastic bags to make beach bags, thus creating part-time work for mothers, who were normally unemployed.

A YouTube video shows the women scouring heaps of rubbish for plastic bags to empty, sort and clean, not an easy task as you can see from the pictures. (Due to the lack of communal toilets, many of these bags are likely to have contained human waste.) Yet at the end these nasty, manky pieces are transformed into stunning crocheted hats and bags.

When the women go to the rubbish dump, are they scavenging or foraging?  Is their life so despicable, this unseemly, dirty activity is their only way of living?  Or it might just be that they actively value what is so easily discarded; it is a free resource which actually earns them money.

Perhaps it is the placing of the plastic that is the problem.  In organic gardening, a weed is just 'a plant in the wrong place.'  The same can be said of waste.  No one would want to rifle a rubbish tip.  Yet plastic bags and bottles carefully stashed for creative ventures are a different matter. 

And with diminishing oil resources, plastic may well become a precious commodity.  So as in the recent Transition Crouch End blogspot about chutney, it all comes down to a question of value.  To return to the women of Africa, that value can be monetary. In our society, knitting plastic gives people a chance to acquire new skills, using material that is essentially expendable.  Mistakes don't count and the experience is invaluable.

We may revile a global inequality that means people have to resort to rubbish for a living: while we play with plastic, they work.  Nevertheless their ingenuity and resourcefulness reminds us that 'waste' is a value-laden term.  It is a label that can be easily soaked off.